Games like alice is missing

games like alice is missing


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How to Play Alice Is Missing - Silent RPG - Hunters Entertainment - Renegade Game Studios
16 year old Alice Briarwood went missing from the small town of Silent Falls. The PCs are her close network of friends dealing with her disappearance. The strict 90 minute timeline can be a boon in that it gives structure to the game, much like something like The Mountain Witch. On the. I'm only familiar with Alice is Missing. So, are you asking about games with a system mechanic that revolves around text messaging?
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If you like immersive, story-driven games like Life is Strange or Firewatch, you need to try Alice is Missing. Gameplay The game begins three days after Alice was last seen. The game is played out over the next three hours, most of it in silence and over chat. The goal is to prepare the community for winter as best you can.